mandag 21. november 2011

Bildeanalyse - "Stabilitet"


Dette bildet er et fotografi, som er fotografert i fugleperspektivet. Det som fotografiet viser, er et tre som har form som en balanserende trekant, to personer som sitter på en benk mellom treet, små rektangulære steiner som brukes til å dekke bakken, og større rektangulære, og forholdvis smale steiner som danner to parallelle linjer som går på skrå gjennom øvre del av bildet. I tillegg til dette, ligger det store natursteinplater helt nederst på bildet, og det ligger gule og brune blader fra trærne på bakken.    

Bildet er et portrett. Motivet på bildet består av to personer som sitter med ryggen til kamera.
Personene sitter på en benk mellom to trestammer i mellomgrunnen av bildet.
Trestammene har en mørk brun-grå farge, med noen hvite flekker på innsiden av venstre stamme, og brunsvarte flekker på innsiden av høyre stamme. Begge stammene har den samme brunsvarte fargen ved røttene, men fargen minker gradvis lengre opp på stammen som står til venstre.
Benken er laget av ved og stål, og er forankret ned i stein-bakken. Mellom de to parallelle "steinlinjene" befinner det seg grønn-gult gress som delvis er dekket med løv.

På dette fotografiet er treet og steinplatene på nedre del av bildet, forgrunnen. Personene og den gråe bakken danner tilsammen mellomgrunnen, og de to parallelle stein - linjene øverst på bildet, fremstår som bakgrunnen.

Fargene på bildet er for det meste høstlige farger, som grå, brun osv. På bildet ser det ut som om det nettopp har regnet og det gjør at bakken og landskapet rundt får en mørkere farge. Samtidig faller lyset inn fra det venstre hjørnet, slik at fargene på bildet blir lysere. Utsnittet i bildet er et totalbilde; personene er på bildet i sin helhet, og det er med litt landskap og miljø.  


Vårt førsteinntrykk av bildet er at det viser et par i en kald verden. De står sammen mot den kaotiske, og ustødige verden, mens de ser mot den muntrere delen av bildet.

Når vi ser på bildet, assosierer vi det med høst, samhold og kjærlighet. Det er de varme klærne, de kalde fargene og løvet på bakken som får oss til å forstå at det er høst. Stillingene som motivene sitter i blir universalt gjenkjent som et symbol på kjærlighet, vennskap eller sterke relasjoner.

Rødfargen i jakken på det ene motivet trekker fokuset mot motivene, og skaper en kontrast både mellom motivene og trærne, og mellom motivene. Dette viser at motivene er individuelle individer som har kommet sammen. De horisontale linjene i bildet, hjelper til å holde bildet i balanse, mens de vertikale formene til trærne, sammen med deres sterke fargekontrast til resten av bildet, gjør at trærne, og det i mellom dem, blir sentralt.

Bildets tema er samhold og lengsel i en urolig verden, og har som formål å få folk til å tenke over og verdsette de umaterialistiske tingene i livene deres. Hovedfunksjonen i bildet er poetisk, vi har lekt oss med former og symboler.

onsdag 16. november 2011

English task - Looting in London

1.       The difference between looting and rioting, is that looting not involves any physical violent. Looting is a kind of shoplifting, and is a result of the riots. In addition to that, it often  includes a wider range of people, often children, women and older people. Another thing that is different from rioting is the fact, that looting not necessarily has to have any reason. Many looters don’t have much money, or any work, so that might be a reason for their behavior. When the shops already are destroys, it’s easier for people (and their conscience) to shoplift.
a.       Social exclusion: When someone is excluded and separated from the social society, then he or she is 
b.      Disregard social norms: To ignore and not respect the social norms/ rules.
c.       High unemployment: When a country has a huge number of not – working inhabitants, there is a high unemployment rate.  
d.      Criminologist: A person that studies crime, the behavior from criminal persons, causes for criminal behavior and so on.  
e.      Opportunism: Is a kind of strategy or behavior that uses the surroundings for his/ her own benefit, often without any regard to the social norm or rules.  
f.        Lack of invention: When nothing is done to make a situation better. An example for that is when people loots without anyone paying attention to it or anyone doing something about the situation.  
g.       Consumerism: The use and consume of a product or service is called consumerism.
h.      Catalyst of unrest: Is the reason why something happens. The Catalyst of unrest is the factor that speeds up an upcoming event.

3.        Yes, I think this could have happened in Norway too. Maybe not in such a big dimension, because Norway doesn’t have a lot hooligans that could have made people looting. Despite the fact that Norway has a little number of unemployment, there are, and always will be unemployed people in the country. That little number of unemployed inhabitants could technically do looting, but if we look at the situation of Norway today, I don’t think that this will be a situation that someone has to worry about in the nearer future.    

4.       I think the lootings (and the riots) say a lot about the social conditions in England. The fact that people does practice looting, shows us that the rate of unemployment in England is quite high. That also means that there are very many poor people in England, which can be a cause for their behavior. As a result of these two factors, we may see that the social conditions in the country aren’t so good, especially not in the “lower classes” in the English society. I think that the traditional class system has a lot to do with the riots and the looting. The typical class system may have changed a bit through the years, but we still recognize it in today’s England. The classes are still there; the ones with work and a good life standard, and the unemployed people with a lower life standard. Most of the people with no work, was born and grew up in families that lived in the same way, without work and in “the lower class”. For these people it’s often much harder to find work, not only because the main part of them doesn’t have any education, but also because the English society doesn’t give them the chance to. I won’t say that the behavior of looters is correct in any possible way, but what I want to say is that both the English society, and the looters has to take one step in the direction of the other part.

søndag 23. oktober 2011

Atlantic Submarine Dive, Beach Party, and more!

As you read earlier, my last week was booked with several exciting events. I can’t write about all of them, but I just have to tell you about some of my experiences!
On Monday morning a bus came and picked me up at the hotel. The drive went to a harbor, where a little submarine was waiting for the passengers to go on board. The submarine had a grey-blue color, and big windows at each place. It took us down to 40 meters, and we could see the underwater world so clear, we could see thousands of colorful fishes, several sharks of all kinds and some turtles showed themselves too. But the best thing of all: we could do all that without getting wet! Later that day, when I was back from the submarine tour, I went to the Harbour Lights Beach Party. This is a real Caribbean party, and I couldn’t imagine not attending on this event while I was in the Caribbean. During the party, it was served a “beach barbeque”, they arranged two Caribbean shows, and played live music all night long.

While I spend my time here on Barbados, I have learned very much about the culture and the social conditions. The Barbadian people are very nice, and they like getting visitors from other parts of the world. I think that they like to show their country, and show what they values and attractions are. It is a wonderful country, and it has so much to give. Not just all of the cultural events that I have been reporting about in the last entries, but also the inhabitants and the whole atmosphere in the country makes the stay on the island so gorgeous and unforgettable. The Barbadians eat very much fish and seafood (that causes their localization and their limited access to large amounts of other food like meat), so during my stay I have tasted much “Caribbean style” seafood and I am sure that I will keep them in my mind for a long time.
I almost forgot to tell you, but I got to see the family from the world star Rihanna, two days ago. Rihanna was born on the island, and grew up here too. Sometimes she even spends her holidays here, but I didn’t get to see her during my stay.
The last thing I want to tell you, before I leave this amazing place, is the meaning of the Barbadian flag.
The flag consists of three bands (triband), two marine - blue bands on each side and one golden band in the middle of the flag. In the middle of the golden band, we can see the upper part of a trident (which also is called “the broken trident”).
The two blue bands symbolize the ocean, while the golden band symbolizes the sand on the island. The trident is taken from the old Barbadian flag (the colonial badge). The old flag shows Britannia holding a trident. The broken trident is therefore a symbol for the symbolic break of the colony from Britannia. The three points of the trident, symbolizes the three principles of democracy (government of, for, and by the people).
The flag was designed by a teacher (Grantley Prescod), and during an island – wide contest, the Barbadian people picked this flag from around 1000 other ones.

The Atlantic Submarine :
 One of the Caribbean shows on the beach party:

The Berwind wreck:

The flag of Barbados:

Well, now I will pack my luggage and enjoy the last hours on the island, before the bus takes me to the airport and my plain leaves this paradise...

My plans for the last week

Well, the last week in paradise has started, and I there are so many things that still are waiting for me…
Here is a list of things that I want to do the next four days:
·         Atlantis Submarine Dive
·         Harbour Lights Beach Party
·         Wreck diving on the wreck of Berwind
·         Go shopping on a real Barbadian marked  
·         Eat lunch at Fisherpond Great House
·         Tour to the Harrison Cave and the Barbados wildlife Reserve
·          Go diving a last time
·         Pack my luggage, prepare everything for the flight, and just enjoy the last hours in paradise, before my plain leaves at nine in the evening.

torsdag 20. oktober 2011

The world underneath the surface!

One reason why I picked Barbados as a holiday destination was because of the wonderful world that is located under the water. Barbados has many things that it’s known for, but one of the main things is the diving culture in the country.

I love to dive, so day five, six, and seven from the first week was booked for my favorite hobby. It was so much to see, and even though you always dive the same route, you’ll never get to see the same thing twice. It is amazing how two places can be so different, and how a place can change in such a short time.
When I am under water, I see the world in so many different ways. It’s so peaceful and quite when you’re diving, and that’s what I like about it. In the 60 minutes that I am under water, I feel like I am in another world… I feel free.
The first dive was a “check dive”. Some dive bases have this kind of dives for people like me that do not dive very often in their daily life, but in their holidays. During the dive the instructor guides you, and “checks” that you can follow the rules and respect the underwater – world.
In the three days I went diving five times, two times on day five, two times on day six, and one time on day seven. I saw many beautiful creatures, including sharks, turtles and dolphins. This was my first meeting with dolphins, so I was very excited about it.
Next week I will go wreck diving, to the wreck of Berwind, and also attend on several cultural events here on the island. 

The first days

During my first three days on the island, I have experienced so much that I don't know where to start.

The first day on the island I used to get familiar with the hotel and the environment. I went to bed a little earlier that day, because I was supposed to get up quite early the next day.

On day two, I went on a tour around the Island. The whole trip took six hours. I was quite tired after so many hours in a bus with tourists, air condition and cameras, but I am very glad that I attended on this “event”.
We started on the west coast and went to the great Cherry Tree Hill, wherefrom we got a wonderful view of the “Scotland District”. After that we hid for the amazing Batsheba bay and the St. John’s Church. The church is located on a cliff, and has a stunning view over the ocean. At the end of the trip, the bus went to the Sunbury Plantation House. There we could see how the life on Barbados was 300 years ago.
Back on the west coast, after the trip around the island, I went to a local restaurant together with some other people that also had been on the bus trip around Barbados.

The afternoon of the third day was used for a catamaran boat tour. We went a little hour from the western part of the island. I went snorkeling and saw some turtles and thousands of colorful and different fishes. We arrived back at the hotel at 18:00 and the rest of the evening was used for good food and dancing.

The view from The cherry Tree Hill 
 The St. John's Church on Barbados

torsdag 13. oktober 2011

My first week on Barbados!

After a long trip, I have finally reached my destination. Everything is so gorgeous, big palm trees, white beaches, blue water, and sun all day long.
The first week on the island has been very exciting. I have traveled a lot and seen very much from Barbados. The culture and the local people are totally different from us in Europe, but I like it.
This is my first travel-blog entry, and I'll start telling you a little bit about this beautiful place.

Barbados is an Island in the Caribbean Ocean, and is divided into 11 parishes. The islands capital, and at the same time biggest city, is Bridgetown. Bridgetown is located in the parish Saint Michaels. The official language in the country is English, but mainly the Barbadians speak another kind of English, that is called Bajan. Bajan is a regional variant of English which can be compared with slang.

The island has also a great historical background, so if you're supposed to visit Barbados on your next holiday, then read a little bit about Barbados history before you leave, that will help you understand the culture and the aboriginals.
Saladoid-Barrancoid, also known as Native Americans, was the first known settlers on Barbados. In the 4th century they came to the island and lived there until the 7th century.
 In the early 1600, the island was settled by England. The settlement of Barbados was the third big settlement from England at that time. Later, around 1640, they started to build sugar plantations.
When the Portuguese came and claimed the island in the 16th and 17th century, they used some of the Barbadians as slaves for the sugar plantations. Other inhabitants are believed fled to neighbor island, to get away the slavery.
After the Portuguese had left Barbados at the 18th century, some of the earlier inhabitants came back and settled the island again.    
We can still find some of the sugar plantations on the island to day, but the mainly the country earns its money from the tourism, which stands for 75 % of the economical income from Barbados.

Well, that was a little information about Barbados. I'll tell you more about my time here, the culture, and the inhabitants next time.

fredag 30. september 2011

Norsk - Sakprosa


Kulepennen er et hjelpemiddel som de fleste bruker til daglig. Kulepennen er den gjenstanden som det blir produsert og solgt mest av i verden. Gjenstanden ble funnet opp av de to ungarske brødrene Làszlò Jòsef Bìro og Georg Bìro i år 1938. Utviklingen av den kulepennen som vi kjenner i dag tok atten år. Den «originale» kulepennen ser ut som et avlangt rør med blekk og en liten kule på innsiden. Den består av et skall, en fjær, en spesiell form for blekk, en trykknapp (dette kan også være en dreiemekanisme), og en veldig liten kule som overfører blekket fra innsiden av pennen og ned på papiret.

Jeg sitter og skriver. Skriver med den lyseblåe kulepennen som jeg holder i hånden min. Akkurat denne kulepennen kjøpte jeg for lenge siden, og bruker den kun når det er noe veldig viktig som jeg skal skrive under på. Jeg fikk denne kulepennen for fire år siden da jeg gikk gjennom gatene i Paris. En gammel, liten mann kom bort til oss og viste meg pennen. Han sa at den hadde tilhørt en veldig rik og kjent person i Frankrike og at denne gjenstanden var over femti år gammel. Selv om jeg ikke helt greide å tro på denne historien var det noe med den kulepennen som fikk meg til å kjøpe den, og siden da har den alltid hatt en fast plass på det lille skrivebordet mitt.  

fredag 23. september 2011

Kommunikasjon og argumentasjon


I filmen få meg på for faen er kommunikasjonen veldig dårlig. Den muntlige kommunikasjonen ga ikke mening, det som filmkarakterene sa til hverandre hadde ikke sammenheng med den non-verbale kommunikasjonen. Handlingene i filmen hoppet fram og tilbake slik at kommunikasjonen ble avbrutt midt i en handling også ble den nye handlingen avbrutt igjen. Slik fortsatte det gjennom hele filmen, og det er veldig forvirrende fordi du må følge med på når handlingen (og kommunikasjonen) skifter til noe nytt.
Når karakterene snakker til hverandre virker det som om de ikke vet hva den andre snakker om og at de snakker til noen i en helt annen verden. De ser ikke på hverandre og bruker nesten ingen non-verbal kommunikasjon til å få fram poenget sitt.
Jeg synes att kommunikasjonen i denne filmen (som sagt) er veldig dårlig, et et godt eksempel på hvordan man ikke bør kommunisere.


Det som er viktig når man skal argumentere for en god sak er at du er konkret og at du vil få gjennom saken som du argumenterer for. Man må klare å komme med saklige argumenter som kan understreke det som en mener. Det viktigste er at du har troen på det du selv sier og setter deg inn i de tingene du skal argumentere for slik at du kan motargumentere eventuelle innspill fra andre.
Man bør være godt forberedet og komme med relavante argument som noen ganger også kan understrekes av statestikk og undersøkelser. Pass på at argumentene dine er troverdige og legg vekt på å legge det fram med logisk sammenhegn, slik at andre skjønner det du vil fram til.

torsdag 22. september 2011

"About the Butterflies"

The analysis from the texts butterflies is very good. The author of the analysis has stucture in the text, and writes the analysis in a easy and understanding way. When someone reads the analysis he or she gets to know what the story is about, and what the meaning with the story is. The author doesn't write unnessesary sentences that doesn't make any sense, but she/he writes things that are relevant for the analysis.
The whole text is divided in several paragraphs. Each paragraph has one theme, eksamples for the themes are plot, characters and the setting. This is a very good way to get an organised text, that also is easy to read. The one who wrote the analysis knew what he/she "talked" about, and when you read it you could see that the author understood what the texts "Butterflies" was about. He/ she thought about what the story tried to tell, and that is imortant when you write an analysis.

I can learn from this analysis because I can see how an analysis is written. I can now see how we can divide the analysis to get a good stucture in it and I know what an analysis should contain.
I really got inspired from this analysis and I will probably use "some parts" of it in my own analysis.

English: Opening Tasks

a) My name is Sina. I was born in Germany and lived there until I was eight years old. My sister and I went to the kindergarden and the primary school (1th - 4th grade) there. When I was eight years old my family and I moved to Norway. Since that time we have lived here in Norway.
I speak german and norwegian fluently, and I'm trying to learn english so good as well. In my spare time I do a lot of homework, but I'm also with my friends, chatting on the computer, watching TV, and sometimes I also do sports. I like diving very much. I startet to dive in 2008, when I made my "diver education" in the summer holiday.
I live together with my mother, my father, my sister and my pets. We have one dog, and several fishes.
At the moment I'm still going to school, and this is my 11th year at school.

b) My thoughts about "Blood Diamond":

I have different thoughts about the movie Blood Diamond. The first thought that hit me when I saw the movie, was that the situations that are practiced in the movie also happens in real life. Blood Diamond is a movie that is based on real events, and througout the whole movie I thought about how terrible this must be for the once that have to experience that und have to suffer under the trade with illeagal diamonds.
I think the movie shows the awful reality that thousands of people have to go through day after day. Families gets torn apart and children gets brain washed and used as child soliders. Rebels are trying to get control over their countries and they use people as slaves to get their diamonds. The money that they get from the diamond trade is used to finance the weapons and the rebellions against the government.

After I have seen this movie, my thougts about diamond has changed. Now I will think twice about bying a diamond, and ask myself if I want to support the trade with illeagal diamonds or not. Of course, not every diamond is a result of trade with illeagal diamods, but on the other hand nobody will tell you if their diamonds are "blood diamonds"...