torsdag 26. april 2012

Tony's story - poem


And curious,
Son of his father,
Son of his mother,   
Brother to siblings,

Loves to be safe,
To have his family around,
and the sound of rain falling down,

His hands were slippery,
He felt embarrassed,
And his body quivered,

He needs to taste food,
To sense the taste of falling raindrops,
To have a life without fear,

He fears the bad witches,
The shadows of the dark,
He fears the monster with the human bones,
Tony gives away his protecting shield,
An arrowhead around the neck,
He gives a bullet to the beast,
To give it an end and be released,

He wishes to see the eyes of the creature,
To keep on going into the future,
He wants to experience how it is to be free,

He is a part of a native tribe,
Lives in his house until he dies,
